Sukh Sandhu

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ASQA has begun a four-year program of collaboration with the industry to co-design a model for self-assurance.

For the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), ORIMA Research will conduct a comprehensive consultation process with vocational education and training providers in early 2022 on behalf of ASQA. The information gathered will be used to help establish a self-assurance model for the industry. Providers were urged to register their interest in participating in this consultation […]
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As the number of overseas students declines, Australia faces the prospect of losing future skilled workers and citizens.

When so many international students left Australia, think about what the country lost. Approximately $40.3 billion was contributed to the economy by them in 2019. Approximately 250,000 jobs in Australia were supported by international education. In some sections of the higher education industry, border closures resulted in a reduction of enrollments of up to 70%. […]
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NCVER Report – Upskilling and reskilling: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employers and their training choices

Photo source: NCVER NCVER’s latest research examines how Australian employers have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and their future workforce training plans. To survive financially during the pandemic, many businesses had to adjust and digitise their operations, as well as shift quickly to remote working arrangements. As restrictions started easing in 2020, businesses were […]
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From February 21, all fully vaccinated international students are permitted to return to Australia.

Following one of the world’s most extensive COVID-19 isolations, the Australian government will open its doors to all international students who have received a full COVID-19 vaccination. According to, the decision will take effect on February 21 and will have an impact on over 500,000 international students currently enrolled in the country, as well […]
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The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry survey unveiled Victoria as the most difficult state in Australia to do business in.

More than half of Australian businesses consider Victoria to be the most difficult state in which to conduct business, with local operators paying the highest taxes in the country. The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry unveiled its first cost of doing business index on Wednesday, which ranks the cost of doing business in all […]
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Even if the border is fully reopened, the country will continue to experience a national skills shortage – how VET sector is the solution?

A large number of Australians are now in trades, the fastest rate since the start of the pandemic. A record number of students are also attending universities, but experts believe more must be done to boost skills training possibilities that are focused on the future of employment. The number of young Australians enrolled in university […]
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Car-makers welcome electric vehicle technology certification offered through vocational training institutions in Australia.

An initiative to raise the level of certification in electric vehicle technology offered by vocational training institutions in Australia has been hailed by a number of automotive manufacturers. Despite the fact that all of the companies have extensive internal training programs of their own, they recognise the importance of equipping technicians to service, diagnose, and […]
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WA has allocated $16 million for international education

As part of a new support package, the state of Western Australia has earmarked around AUS$16 million to assist the state’s international education sector. It was announced that a support programme will be implemented after the state delayed the reopening of its borders due to the Omicron variant earlier in February. As part of the […]
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Message from the CEO (31 Jan 2022)

Message from the CEO (31 Jan 2022) Welcome to our January edition of the VET sector magazine. In this edition, there are articles discussing the latest news from the Department of Home Affairs on changes being made, and an article explaining how online courses can help develop a skilled workforce and much more. We thank […]
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