Sukh Sandhu

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Australian student visa changes in 2022

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Australian government will offer visa rebates to students and backpackers who wish to visit the nation in an effort to fill a record number of vacant positions. Visitors to Australia who enter on a student or working holiday visa, according to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, will receive […]
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How online courses can help you become a skilled worker

Online courses are popular in the workplace. They provide flexibility and convenience for people who want to learn something in either their own time or during work hours. Online courses have been around for decades, and they have recently started to gain real traction. There are many different types of online courses available that can […]
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The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) details of the proposed fees and charges that will apply under the full cost recovery model

In a recent announcement, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) detailed the proposed fees and charges that will apply under the full cost-recovery model, which will take effect on July 1 2022. Although the full cost recovery of fees and charges was originally planned for 2020-21, it was postponed as a result of the COVID […]
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Formative vs Summative Assessment: A Comparison

Formative and summative assessment, the two main types of assessing knowledge and skills, are often confused with one another. Both types of assessment have a place in the teaching and learning process, but it can be difficult to distinguish between formative and summative assessment. Both formative and summative assessments are used to assess learning, provide […]
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The top problems that the Australian VET sector is facing

The VET sector in Australia is growing in scale and sophistication every year. The Australian VET sector is facing several problems that are likely to have a significant impact on its future. These include things like an aging workforce, the rising cost of education and a decline in students enrolling in VET qualifications. The most […]
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To be implemented by 2030, the government has published a roadmap for a “data-driven society.”

The federal government issued Australia’s first data strategy and associated action plan, outlining a long-term vision for the development of an effective, safe, ethical and secure national data ecosystem. Stuart Robert, the Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, and Jane Hume, the Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and Digital Economy, jointly announced […]
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Why is Australia’s rank so low when it comes to innovation?

The ability to innovate is one of the most important factors in economic growth. It increases productivity by making it possible to produce more with the same amount of input or investment as before. Putting it simply, when productivity increases, more products and services are produced, which results in higher economic growth. Australia has a […]
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Acute skills shortages in VET

Coming out of lockdown and re-opening RTOs have revealed one big problem. The VET sector has huge skills shortages, and there are nearly hundreds of vacant VET positions advertised in SEEK this week across Australia. There are many factors that have contributed to this shortage, and it did not happen overnight. A big contributor has […]
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