Sukh Sandhu

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The strategies for achieving personal and professional success.

There are many strategies to success you can use in your life.   Some people are successful because they work hard. Other people are successful because they have a great opportunity that came their way. Some people are successful because they have the right connections, but most people are successful because they have good timing. […]
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Message from the CEO (4 October 2021)

Message from the CEO   Our professional development event related to Skills First Funding was a huge success, with hundreds of people in attendance. We have made the video available online on our websites so that you can check out the material.   We are a team of quality and compliance experts who have been […]
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Influence of COVID-19 on future plans

Training providers indicated a strong interest in incorporating more online training in the future, with 61.8% of those who moved some training online in response to the pandemic confirming that they were likely to use more blended learning in the future. In addition, other plans to expand online learning in the future included: likely to […]
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Delivery of training before and during COVID-19

Although there was a substantial transition (75.2%) to partial or full online delivery in response to COVID-19 (see the below table), more than half (52.5%) of the RTOs who did not (or could not) move any face-to-face training or assessment online had to suspend either full programs or certain subjects/units. This issue raises the question […]
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Overview of training provider response.

COVID-19 has had an undeniable impact on the VET sector, with the significant and rapid transition to online learning early in the pandemic establishing the groundwork for and influencing the likelihood of RTOs using more blended learning in the future, as outlined in the below figure.
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Now and into the future

Approximately 12 months after the commencement of COVID-19 restrictions in Australia, only about one quarter (25.1%) of the surveyed RTOs who had transferred some face-to-face training online had reverted fully to their pre-COVID-19 approach to training. The survey findings demonstrate a strong pattern of RTOs continuing to offer online training in areas where it was […]
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Is blended delivery the future of Australian VET education?

A research by Sheila Hume and Tabatha Griffin, NCVER demonstrate that there was a strong response from the VET sector to COVID-19 restrictions, with the number of subjects delivered online increasing by about 24% between 2019 and 2020. The research reported that the shift to online training delivery was more pronounced for government-funded subject enrolments […]
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