Sukh Sandhu

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Extra $3.2m to boost support for vocational education and training

A new funding model, backed by a $3.2 million investment, will help government schools to support their students into industry-endorsed Vocational Education and Training (VET).   Under the new arrangement, government schools will receive top-up funding of $300 for each student, or $600 for each eligible student with a School Card, enrolled in a VET […]
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Australian border closures blamed for $2.7bn ELICOS related loss

Border closures related to the pandemic in Australia will see the country’s economy AU$2.7 billion worse off due to losses in income that would usually be generated by the ELICOS sector, according to a new analysis.   English Australia’s Economic Impact research – prepared by Bonard – found that border closures resulted in a $1.2bn […]
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Morrison Government marks National Skills Week 2021 with highest funding for skills and training in Australian history

The Morrison Government has marked National Skills Week 2021 by reminding Australians of the incredible opportunities of a skilled career as hundreds of thousands make use of the skills and training pathways guaranteed through record levels of federal funding.   Given the massive demand for skilled workers it is also a great reminder that it […]
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The changing career expectations of Australian teens

New analysis reveals the occupational aspirations of Australian girls have become more concentrated over time, while those of Australian boys have become less concentrated.   The latest issue of ACER’s Snapshots series examines data from the 2018 OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) about Australian students’ occupational aspirations and the roles they expect to […]
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How the Australian VET sector is changing

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has released the latest data on Total VET Activity.   Looking at program enrolments (full qualifications, accredited courses and skillsets) in TAFEs and private providers the data shows that government funded enrolments in TAFE have been largely static at a national level for the last five years […]
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The VET Sector News II- September 2021

How the Australian VET sector is changing The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has released the latest data on Total VET Activity.   Looking at program enrolments (full qualifications, accredited courses and skillsets) in TAFEs and private providers the data shows that government funded enrolments in TAFE have been largely static at a […]
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COVID Lifestyle transforms aspirations of young Australians

A survey of demand for information on careers and university courses has revealed tremendous change in aspirations across Australia in wake of COVID-19.   Analysis by Good Education Media, the publishers of the Good Universities Guide, and higher education consultancy Twig Marketing studied millions of searches in the 18 months prior to the pandemic and […]
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The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is seeking input on a proposed anti-plagiarism software merger.

In a statement released Thursday, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) expressed reservations over Turnitin’s proposed acquisition of Ouriginal. It was in March 2021 that Turnitin first revealed its intention to buy Ouriginal.   Turnitin and Ouriginal are anti-plagiarism software suppliers who primarily target higher education providers (HEPs), such as educational institutions, with their […]
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University jobs lost at a rate of ‘one in five’ as COVID-19 border laws continue to bite

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying economic recession, Australia’s higher education sector was hit harder than any other industry in the country’s economy, according to the latest report. Because of public health measures and the closure of Australia’s borders to international students, universities in Australia have been driven into financial and operational […]
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