We are introducing a new section in CAQA News. This section will cover news and information regarding what is happening at CAQA/Career Calling headquarters.
Information Technology resources
The following resources are now available for purchase. The assessment and learner resources have been developed by subject matter experts from the industry. All resources have been checked by external validators to ensure they comply with training package requirements and industry expectations.
- ICT10115 Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology
- ICT40415 Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking
- ICT40115 Certificate IV in Information Technology
- ICT50115 Diploma of Information Technology
- ICT50415 Diploma of Information Technology Networking
- ICT60215 Advanced Diploma of Network Security
Accounting resources
We have developed these assessment resources for a number of TAFE’s and these resources are now available for your RTO as well. The list of qualifications include the following:
- FNS30317 Certificate III in Accounts Administration
- FNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
- FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting
- FNS60217 Advanced Diploma of Accounting
Community service resources
Our community service assessment and learner resources have been developed by instructional designers and subject matter experts with extensive experience and background in the community service sector. All training and assessment resources are also internally and externally validated by compliance experts. The list of qualifications includes the following:
- CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support
- CHC43015 – Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability
- CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
- CHC62015 – Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
Resources currently in development
Available from March 2019:
- CHC40113 – Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care
- CHC50213 – Diploma of School Age Education and Care
- CHC30213 – Certificate III in Education Support
- CHC40213 – Certificate IV in Education Support
- ICT20115 – Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology
- ICT30115 – Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology
- CHC43415 – Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
- CHC53415 – Diploma of Leisure and Health
- RII20715 – Certificate II in Civil Construction
- RII30915 – Certificate III in Civil Construction
Other resources:
- HLT54115 – Diploma of Nursing (Available from mid-2019) – A number of units of competency are available to purchase from January 2019.
Compliance products from Compliance and Quality Assurance (CAQA)
The following compliance products are available to purchase:
- Policies and Procedures for an RTO
- Policies and Procedures for a CRICOS RTO
- Policies and Procedures for an ERTO
- RTO forms and flow charts
- RTO student handbook (pre-enrolment and post-enrolment)
- RTO staff handbook
- RTO compliance registers
- Training and assessment strategies
- Internal audit guidelines and template pack
- CRICOS student orientation kit
- CRICOS audit guidelines and template pack
- Pre-training enrolment pack
- Marketing materials (Customised to your RTO)
- Marketing audit pack (Checklists and policies)
- Recognition of prior learning (RPL) kits
- Continuous improvement documentation
- Assessment validation documentation for review of assessor judgements and assessment tools
- Internal auditing templates
- Staff recruitment, induction and professional development documentation
- Strategic and business plan templates
- RTO registration financial viability pro forma documentation
- Workplace delivery documentation
We celebrated our Compliance Coordinator Michelle’s birthday