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Contract cheating – One out of every ten students submits assignments written by someone else – and the vast majority of them get away with it.

Despite popular belief, contract cheating is more prevalent in Australian institutions than many would expect. According to a recent survey conducted by the University of Western Australia, one in every ten students across Australia’s institutions is guilty of paying someone to create assignments or take online examinations on their behalf. Contract cheating is a form […]
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University jobs lost at a rate of ‘one in five’ as COVID-19 border laws continue to bite

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying economic recession, Australia’s higher education sector was hit harder than any other industry in the country’s economy, according to the latest report. Because of public health measures and the closure of Australia’s borders to international students, universities in Australia have been driven into financial and operational […]
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Private training colleges face too much scrutiny, says ACPET

Excessive scrutiny of detailed regulatory issues by the national skills regulator is forcing private colleges into legalistic compliance, according to the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET). ACPET has called for a review of the quality standards for VET following the latest annual report of the Australian Skills Quality Authority. Independent RTOs were […]
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India to be top study destination in two years

The Indian government has promised fee waivers to foreign students choosing India as their study destination as part of a campaign that has a commitment to welcome 1 million inbound students. Following the launch of the Study in India web portal on April 18, which will be a one stop solution for international students, the government has […]
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Heavy penalty for bogus qualification

A former trainer has been ordered to pay $120,000 for providing her employer with 11 bogus vocational education and training (VET) qualifications, providing another two bogus qualifications to a co-worker and submitting false qualifications to the national regulator as proof of her competency. The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) successfully obtained declarations from the Federal […]
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National Strategy for International Education 2025

Australia’s first National Strategy for International Education 2025 sets out a 10-year plan for developing Australia’s role as a global leader in education, training and research. Pillar 1 Strengthening the fundamentals Goal 1: Building on a world-class education, training and research system Goal 2: Delivering the best possible student experience Goal 3: Providing effective quality […]
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